Just because you’re trash doesn’t mean you can’t do great things. It’s called garbage can, not garbage cannot.
ANONYMOUSNever worry about the delay of your success compared to others, because construction of a palace takes more time than an ordinary building.
More Anonymous Quotes
Between the pages of a book is a lovely place to be.
It’s not your end goal that gives life to your required actions, it’s your required actions that give life to your end goal.
I’ve learned so much from my mistakes, I’m thinking of making some more.
It hurts now, but one day it will be your warm up.
Prosperity is as short-lived as a wildflower, so don’t ever count on it.
Maybe the wolf is in love with the moon, and each month it cries for a love it will never touch.
If you obey the majority of those on earth, they will lead you astray from God’s way. They follow nothing but conjecture. They are only guessing.
You’re blessed when you’re content with just who you are – no more, no less. That’s the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can’t be bought.
The grasses toss and shimmy. The horses nicker. Madame Manec says, almost whispering, Now that I think about it, child, I expect heaven is a lot like this.
If you want to know where your heart is, look where your mind goes when it wanders.
The tiger will see you hundred times before you see it once.
Allah causes the night and the day to succeed each other. Truly, in these things is indeed a lesson for those who have insight.
Magic. I draw with silver and it turns red.
The ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr.
We live on a blue planet that circles around a ball of fire next to a moon that moves the sea, and you don’t believe in miracles?