Q – that’s what I’ll call this new world, Aomame decided. Q is for question mark. A world that bears a question.
ANONYMOUS. Keep watch and pray, so that you will not give in to temptation For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak.
More Anonymous Quotes
Your kids don’t belong to you – they’re only on loan for you to raise. They have their own lives, their own destinies. So you better get out of the way.
Darwinism is the story of humanity’s liberation from the delusion that its destiny is controlled by a power higher than itself.
The Potters smiled and waved at Harry and he stared hungrily back at them, his hands pressed flat against the glass as though he was hoping to fall right through it and reach them. He had a powerful kind of ache inside him, half joy, half terrible sadness.
The devil whispers you cannot withstand the storm . The warrior replies I am the storm .
Every kick in the ass is a step forward.
Don’t depend on anyone too much. Even your shadow leaves when it’s dark.
How can I know what I’ll do, until I’ve done it? How can I say?
The whole day was like that. I wish I could do it justice as I’m writing about it. I feel like I could use all of the words that I have in my head times each and never be able to tell exactly what it was like.
By oneself the evil is done, by oneself one suffers; by oneself evil is left undone, by oneself one is purified. Purity and impurity belong to oneself, no one can purify another.
Summer bodies are made in the winter.
When money talks, Nobody checks the grammar.
The simplest way to lose your soul is to go with the flow because the flow is naturally down. Only live fish can swim against the current. Dead ones just conform to it.
How many wolves do we feel on our heels, while our real enemies go in sheepskin.
It’s your workout, your time, your body. Own It.
The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies.