Comfortable means gradually more and more flattened down, more and more blunt – less and less sharp and biting into you.
ANNE CARSONRelated Topics
Anand Thakur
Comfortable means gradually more and more flattened down, more and more blunt – less and less sharp and biting into you.
ANNE CARSONA refugee population is hungry for language and aware that anything can happen.
ANNE CARSONThose nights lying alone are not discontinuous with this cold hectic dawn. It is who I am.
ANNE CARSONEach night about this time he puts on sadness like a garment and goes on writing.
ANNE CARSONLava bread makes you passionate.
ANNE CARSONI never really got over the fun of making letters.
ANNE CARSONWe humans seem disastrously in love with this thing (whatever it is) that glitters on the earth– we call it life.
ANNE CARSONYou doubt God? Well more to the point I credit God with the good sense to doubt me. What is mortality after all but divine doubt flashing over us? For an instant God suspends assent and poof! we disappear.
ANNE CARSONGive me a world, you have taken the world I was.
ANNE CARSONAt least half of your mind is always thinking, I’ll be leaving; this won’t last. It’s a good Buddhist attitude. If I were a Buddhist, this would be a great help. As it is, I’m just sad.
ANNE CARSONYou can get used to eating breakfast with a man in a fedora. You can get used to anything, my mother was in the habit of saying.
ANNE CARSONWe participate in the creation of the world by decreating ourselves.
ANNE CARSONHe was trying to fit this Herakles onto the one he knew.
ANNE CARSONTo live past the end of your myth is a perilous thing.
ANNE CARSONWords bounce. Words, if you let them, will do what they want to do and what they have to do.
ANNE CARSONWhy does tragedy exist? Because you are full of rage. Why are you full of rage? Because you are full of grief.