And every demand that the flesh may make for vindication. Always the Christian must bear about in his body the marks of the Lord Jesus.
ALAN REDPATHAnd every demand that the flesh may make for vindication. Always the Christian must bear about in his body the marks of the Lord Jesus.
ALAN REDPATHIt is faith which turns distress into singing.
ALAN REDPATHHe deeper and more staggering can be his collapse. There is never a day in any man’s life but that he is dependent upon the grace of God for power and the blood of Jesus for cleansing.
ALAN REDPATHIt tells us the truth about each one of them in order that against the background of human breakdown and failure we may magnify the grace of God and recognize that it is the delight of the Spirit of God to work upon the platform of human impossibilities.
ALAN REDPATHFirst of all, it has gone past God and past Christ right through to me. If it has come that far.
ALAN REDPATHThe Christian life doesn’t get easier as one gets older.
ALAN REDPATHIt comes to the one who believes that he who waits upon the Lord shall never be confounded.
ALAN REDPATHFaith is two empty hands held open to receive all of the Lord
ALAN REDPATHWe need, men so possessed by the Spirit of God that God can think His thoughts through our minds.
ALAN REDPATHThat He can plan His will through our actions, that He can direct His strategy of world evangelization through His Church.
ALAN REDPATHWhat we are is much more important to Him than what we do for Him.
ALAN REDPATHThat is why prayer is so exhausting and so vital. If we believed it, the prayer meeting would be as full as the church.
ALAN REDPATHHe will only plant that seed where the conviction of his spirit has brought brokenness, where the soil has been watered with the tears of repentance as well as the tears of joy.
ALAN REDPATHCircumstances which we have resented, situations which we have found desperately difficult.
ALAN REDPATHPrayed about it, and then we are enabled by Him to tackle the job that needs to be done.
ALAN REDPATHIt comes to the one who rests upon the promises of the Word. It comes to the man who lives by faith as if in the actual possession of the answer to his prayer, although the enemy is still around him.