The mission of God flows directly through every believer and every community of faith that adheres to Jesus.
ALAN HIRSCHThe mission of God flows directly through every believer and every community of faith that adheres to Jesus.
ALAN HIRSCHWho knows what innovation, what freshness, what new insights from the Spirit will emerge.
ALAN HIRSCHIt not only abandons its biblical mandate, it is rendered missionally ineffective.
ALAN HIRSCHOur preferences for stability and security blind us to the opportunities for adventure when they present themselves.
ALAN HIRSCHBut herein lies the rub: Christianity has been on a long-term trend of decline in every Western cultural context that we can identify.
ALAN HIRSCHWhether we like it or not, we are all on a journey, a Quest if you will, every day of our lives, and the path we must take is full of perils, and our destiny can never be predicted in advance.
ALAN HIRSCHIf we can embrace the adventure and risk and equip our churches to lay down their lives and abandon their inherent loss-aversion.
ALAN HIRSCHIn short, apostolic movement involves a radical community of disciples, centered on the lordship of Jesus, empowered by the Spirit.
ALAN HIRSCHThe appetite for adventure and risk is not exclusive to young Christians. In face.
ALAN HIRSCHIn short, we find the faith of leap.
ALAN HIRSCHThose of us with too much invested in the way things are will never embrace the revolutionary cause required for wholesale change.
ALAN HIRSCHBut the standard churchy spirituality doesn’t require any real action, courage, or sacrifice from its attendees.
ALAN HIRSCHInterestingly, it’s as though the gospel story of Jesus is the archetypal heroic journey.
ALAN HIRSCHAnd if they begin with this mistaken belief about their position in Western society, all their church planting.
ALAN HIRSCHWhen the church is in mission, it is the true church.
ALAN HIRSCHIn missional churches, the baby birds have been pushed out of the nest and are learning to fly for themselves.