And every disciple is to carry the mission of God into every sphere of life. We are all missionaries sent into a non-Christian culture.
ALAN HIRSCHAnd every disciple is to carry the mission of God into every sphere of life. We are all missionaries sent into a non-Christian culture.
ALAN HIRSCHBecause we believe that somewhere in the nest of paradigms contained in the phrase “missional church” lies nothing less that the future viability of Western Christianity.
ALAN HIRSCHTruth is narrow, but grace is wide.
ALAN HIRSCHBeing the church that Jesus intended means that we must participate in God’s eternal purposes for his world.
ALAN HIRSCHThe fact is that if Jesus’s future kingdom is secure, those who trust in its coming will enact it now.
ALAN HIRSCHThe appetite for adventure and risk is not exclusive to young Christians. In face.
ALAN HIRSCHWhen there is no possibility of retreat, we will find the innovation that only the liminal situation can bring.
ALAN HIRSCHIn short, apostolic movement involves a radical community of disciples, centered on the lordship of Jesus, empowered by the Spirit.
ALAN HIRSCHA retreatist spirituality is not a spirituality that can, or will, transform the world in Jesus’s name.
ALAN HIRSCHChristianity is an adventure of the spirit or it is not Christianity.
ALAN HIRSCHThose of us with too much invested in the way things are will never embrace the revolutionary cause required for wholesale change.
ALAN HIRSCHThe embodiment of the very adventure that all people in every epoch have desired.
ALAN HIRSCHYou plant the gospel. You don’t plant churches.
ALAN HIRSCHOur preferences for stability and security blind us to the opportunities for adventure when they present themselves.
ALAN HIRSCHMission is the practical demonstration, whether by speech or by action, of the glorious lordship of Jesus.
ALAN HIRSCHWe have to assume now that all mission is cross-cultural.