To get what you love, you must first be patient with what you hate.
AL-GHAZALILove for God is the farthest reach of all stations, the sun of the highest degrees, and there is no station after that of love, except its fruit and its consequences.
More Al-Ghazali Quotes
Half of disbelief in Allah in the world is caused by people who make religion look ugly due to their bad conduct and ignorance.
To completely trust in Allah is to be like a child who knows deeply that even if he does not call for the mother, the mother is totally aware of his condition and is looking after him.
If you see Allah, Mighty and Magnificent, holding back this world from you, frequently trying you with adversity and tribulation, know that you hold a great status with Him. Know that He is dealing with you as He does with His Awliya’ and chosen elite, and is watching over you.
Does money upset the hearts of learned men? He answered, “men whose hearts are changed by money are not learned.”
Whoever determines the truth from people alone will remain lost in the plains of bewilderment. Rather, know the truth, and you will know its people.
The hypocrite looks for faults; the believer looks for excuses.
Remember it is the heart and not the body, which strives to draw near to God. By heart I do not mean the flesh perceived by the senses, but that secret thing which is sometimes expressed by spirit, and sometimes by soul.
In God, there is no sorrow or suffering or affliction. If you want to be free of all affliction and suffering, hold fast to God, and turn wholly to Him, and to no one else. Indeed, all your suffering comes from this: that you do not turn toward God and no one else.
Whoever says that all music is prohibited, let him also claim that the songs of birds are prohibited.
He who buries his head deep into a nosebag full of food cannot hope to see the invisible world.
The way to paradise is an uphill climb whereas hell is downhill. Hence, there is a struggle to get to paradise and not to hell.
The mere physical man is like the ant crawling on the paper, who observes black lettering and attributes its production to the pen and nothing more.
You possess only whatever will not be lost in a ship wreck.
The corruption of religions comes from turning them to mere words and appearances.
Man’s nature is made up of four elements, which produce in him four attributes, namely, the beastly, the brutal, the satanic, and the divine. In man there is something of the pig, the dog, the devil, and the saint.