A few minutes ago, you knew who you were-you had a history and a personality-but from this place of not knowing, you question all of that.
ADYASHANTIYou’ll have more love than you know what to do with. Whatever you are inside, you receive a thousandfold on the outside.
More Adyashanti Quotes
One must be willing to stand alone – in the unknown, with no reference to authority or the past or any of one’s conditioning. One must stand where no one has stood before in complete nakedness, innocence, and humility.
You don’t awaken, what has eternally been awake realizes itself. That which is eternally awake is what you are.
I often describe the Absolute as Pure Infinite Potential, prior to being or becoming anything. It is forever unborn, yet gives birth to all of existence. About our ultimate nature nothing can be said; it must be revealed.
Most spiritual seekers move away from this insecurity by seeking and striving for a distant spiritual goal. That’s how they avoid feeling insecure.
Serving the Truth becomes our life instead of just an isolated event. It takes the abstractness out of spirituality. That’s the opportunity of real spirituality: to be in service to the silence of the heart.
There’s a fierceness about life that calls for a fierceness to not anxiously solve it but to allow it to transform you.
The question of being is everything. Nothing could be more important or consequential-n othing where the stakes run so high.
You must choose between your attachments and happiness.
How do I integrate spirituality into my everyday life? Throw out the concept of “spiritual life” and “everyday life.” There is only life, undivided and whole.
Real meditation is not about mastering a technique; it’s about letting go of control. This is meditation. Anything else is actually a form of concentration. Meditation and concentration are two different things. Concentration is a discipline.
Awareness yields to itself, to its inherent creativity, to its expression in form, to experience itself.
Awakening to the truth is a deep realization of what you are as an experience. What is it that is listening? What is it that is feeling? Feel it. Sense it. Welcome it.
Faith is a withholding of conclusion so that you allow what is to arise.
In the heart of a human being, emptiness becomes love. When we touch that Source, instantly the love is present. Literally, the divine becomes human and the human becomes divine.
To awaken to the absolute view is profound and transformative, but to awaken from all fixed points of view is the birth of true non-duality. If emptiness cannot dance, it is not true emptiness.