The truth is that you already are what you are seeking. You are looking for God with his eyes. I suggest you ask, “What’s ultimately behind this set of eyes?” Turn around to see what is looking.
ADYASHANTIWe are birthed into sangha, into sacred community. It is called the world.
More Adyashanti Quotes
Love causes us to be deeply connected in an unspoken way. It happens when we’re really available, really open.
What if you let go of every bit of control and every urge that you have, right down to the most infinitesimal urge to control anything, anywhere, including anything that may be happening with you at this moment?
Awareness isn’t something we own; awareness isn’t something we possess. Awareness is actually what we are.
You are not your story. They are not your story about them. The world is not your story about the world.
As long as you perceive that anyone is holding you back, you have not taken full responsibility for your own liberation. Liberation means that you stand free of making demands on others and life to make you happy.
You must choose between your attachments and happiness.
How do I integrate spirituality into my everyday life? Throw out the concept of “spiritual life” and “everyday life.” There is only life, undivided and whole.
No matter what identity we cling to, it takes great courage to step out of the old masks we wear and the old scripts that we live by, and open ourselves to the mysterious inner core of our being.
Radiantly nothing. Absolutely and eternally zero. Emptiness that is awake. Emptiness that is full. Emptiness that is everything.
It is not the pursuit of greater and greater states of happiness and bliss that leads to enlightenment, but the yearning for Reality and the rabid dissatisfaction with living anything less than a fully authentic life.
If you think that people should be nice to one another, then by all means be nice. But when you project that belief onto the people and the world around you as if it were an objective reality, or worse still.
Faith is a withholding of conclusion so that you allow what is to arise.
Silence is the only teaching and the only teacher that is there all the time.
To be free of fear is to be full of Love.
Eventually, in the state of liberation, meditation will simply become your natural condition.