Journalists do not live by words alone, although sometimes they have to eat them.
Anand Thakur
Journalists do not live by words alone, although sometimes they have to eat them.
ADLAI STEVENSON IIThe guardian of our heritage, the teacher of our teachers,
ADLAI STEVENSON IIThe boldness to face them, face them square.
ADLAI STEVENSON IIThe relationship of the toastmaster to speaker should be the same as that of the fan to the fan dancer.
ADLAI STEVENSON IIThat which seems the height of absurdity in one generation often becomes the height of wisdom in another.
ADLAI STEVENSON IIFor, in the vernacular, we Americans are suckers for good news.
ADLAI STEVENSON IIEvery age needs men who will redeem the time by living with a vision of the things that are to be.
ADLAI STEVENSON IIIt is upon us whether we will it or not.
ADLAI STEVENSON IIWhat a man knows at fifty that he did not know at twenty is, for the most part, incommunicable.
ADLAI STEVENSON IIAnd when we lose faith in the system
ADLAI STEVENSON IICommunism is the death of the soul. It is the organization of total conformity
ADLAI STEVENSON IIThere was a time when a fool and his money were soon parted, but now it happens to everybody.
ADLAI STEVENSON IIThe idea that you can merchandise candidates for high office like breakfast cereal
ADLAI STEVENSON III hold the unconquerable belief that science and peace will triumph over ignorance and war
ADLAI STEVENSON IIA beauty is a woman you notice; a charmer is one who notices you.
ADLAI STEVENSON IINewspaper editors are men who separate the wheat from the chaff, and then print the chaff.