I love it when you like a character, and then she does something you don’t like
Anand Thakur
I love it when you like a character, and then she does something you don’t like
ADELAIDE KANENobody wants to watch perfect people.
ADELAIDE KANEAnd you hate her for a while – then you love her again.
ADELAIDE KANETo make them feel for me, or to make them hate me, I want a reaction. I want their emotions.
ADELAIDE KANEAuditioning is extremely bizarre.
ADELAIDE KANEJust being an actor is extremely bizarre, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
ADELAIDE KANEThe worst reaction someone can have is, “eh.”
ADELAIDE KANEThe most important thing to me is my work, and reaching people through my work.
ADELAIDE KANEYou can be born with a title, but not respect. You have to earn that.
ADELAIDE KANEI had a moment a few years ago where I wasn’t sure if I was acting for myself or because people expected it of me.
ADELAIDE KANEMy main goal as an actor, with my craft or whatever poncy way you want to say it, is to always take the audience with me.
ADELAIDE KANEI’d like to see her have unlikable moments that the audience understands and sympathizes with.
ADELAIDE KANEI want to touch people’s lives, and bring them along with me.
ADELAIDE KANEIt’s so important to me. It’s my passion.
ADELAIDE KANEI did some soul-searching, took a break and decided I was going to live my life only for me.
ADELAIDE KANEA bit of a crisis of faith, I suppose.