He: “Whale you be my valentine?” She: “Dolphinitely.
ADAM YOUNGRelated Topics
Anand Thakur
He: “Whale you be my valentine?” She: “Dolphinitely.
ADAM YOUNGLife isn’t how you survive the thunderstorm, but how you dance in the rain.
ADAM YOUNGWhen you listen to someone sing from inside their head, their same mix, and you listen to their voice as loud as they like it
ADAM YOUNGI’m scared to death that I’ll never be afraid
ADAM YOUNGPort Blue’ is my attempt at re-creating the music I want to hear and the emotions I want to feel.”
ADAM YOUNGI’ve definitely had a few moments in my life where I’ve seen somebody and it’s blown me away at first sight
ADAM YOUNGI’m a very introverted guy, so I don’t need to be around people for as long as someone who’s very extroverted to get that sort of social fix per se.
ADAM YOUNGTheir stunned silence was always very reassuring.
ADAM YOUNGThis music is my heart and soul. This is who I am.” (Adam R. Young, 2006)
ADAM YOUNGTime. There is much time left and lots of life seasons. There is much to see, to do, and to be.
ADAM YOUNGAnd when you’re a perfectionist little monster, it makes it even harder.
ADAM YOUNGSomeone invent a NO LIFE alert so you can push a button and tons of people show up and hang out with you.
ADAM YOUNGMaybe some are so busy waiting, they forget what indescribable beauty is right there in front of them.
ADAM YOUNGYou’ve got mountains of your own, I’ll bet on it. Take heart. Be encouraged. Remain steadfast.
ADAM YOUNGI kind of tend to do most of my adventures in my mind.
ADAM YOUNGI live alone in a house,