Port Blue’ is my attempt at re-creating the music I want to hear and the emotions I want to feel.”
ADAM YOUNGRelated Topics
Anand Thakur
Port Blue’ is my attempt at re-creating the music I want to hear and the emotions I want to feel.”
ADAM YOUNGThe warlords–of war and peace–destroyed so much, not only what existed, but all those new things that could have existed, if only individuals were left in peace.
ADAM YOUNGA boy and a girl started dating after he backed his car into hers.
ADAM YOUNGSometimes the good fight feels impossible, but I for one, am not giving up.
ADAM YOUNGI’ve been around many girls who have been super outgoing.
ADAM YOUNGI’m a studio guy. That’s really what I love the most.
ADAM YOUNGYou work so hard at something to make sure that it’s very pure and very genuine and very steadfast to who you are, so creative control for me is a big one.
ADAM YOUNGAnd show up in a place I never thought I’d ever be and have kids in the same room singing these songs I’d written so far away. To me, that’s so surreal.
ADAM YOUNGI live alone in a house,
ADAM YOUNGIt’s a very happy productive place.
ADAM YOUNGWhen you write, produce, engineer and mix everything yourself, it tends to take a long time to do anything
ADAM YOUNGTime. There is much time left and lots of life seasons. There is much to see, to do, and to be.
ADAM YOUNGIt’s funny how insomnia has a way of hauling faded memories up from the cellar of the mind
ADAM YOUNGIt makes you feel cheap and guilty when you didn’t do a thing in the world to kindle the dull burn in your veins or the sting in your eyes.
ADAM YOUNGBut it’s a blast and I wouldn’t trade the opportunity for all the ice cream sandwiches in the universe.
ADAM YOUNGIt’s very cool for me to be able to get in an airplane and fly for fourteen hours