And they are as inefficient as the sleepy dose of an ordinary sermon.
Anand Thakur
And they are as inefficient as the sleepy dose of an ordinary sermon.
ADAM WEISHAUPTWe see with what keenness and zeal the frivolous business of Freemasons is conducted, by persons knit together by the secrecy of their union.
ADAM WEISHAUPTFor thus it is better secured from the oppression of the ruling powers, and because this secrecy gives a greater zest to the whole.
ADAM WEISHAUPTOf all the means I know to lead men, the most effectual is a concealed mystery.The hankering of the mind is irresistible.
ADAM WEISHAUPTBut alas, they are all sadly deficient, because they leave us under the domination of political and religious prejudices
ADAM WEISHAUPTA Literary Society is the most proper form for the introduction of our Order into any state where we are yet strangers.
ADAM WEISHAUPTThe revolution which is about to break will be sterile if it is not complete.
ADAM WEISHAUPTWhen man lives under government, he is fallen, his worth is gone, and his nature tarnished.
ADAM WEISHAUPTThe hankering of the mind is irresistible.
ADAM WEISHAUPTLet it never appear in any place in its own name but always covered by another name and another occupation.
ADAM WEISHAUPTG is Grace, the Flaming Star is the Torch of Reason.
ADAM WEISHAUPTBut I have contrived an explanation which has every advantage; is inviting to christians of every communion; gradually frees them from all religious prejudices
ADAM WEISHAUPTIn a state of liberty and moral equality, freed from the obstacles which subordination, rank, and riches, continually throw in our way.
ADAM WEISHAUPTThe human race will then become one family, and the world will be the dwelling of Rational Men.
ADAM WEISHAUPTThe head of every family will be what Abraham was, the patriarch
ADAM WEISHAUPTOur secret association works in a way that nothing can withstand, and man shall soon be free and happy.