Some argue that recognition of the genocide has become even more problematic now
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Anand Thakur
Some argue that recognition of the genocide has become even more problematic now
ADAM SCHIFFI think Hillary Clinton is right. I think it isn’t enough to leave [Bashir] Assad in place, because as long as he is there, there is going to be a recruiting magnet for ISIS.
ADAM SCHIFFNo other nation can do that the way we can, and it’s going to be very hard for Congress to do it over his opposition.
ADAM SCHIFFToo much under the thumb of the Iranians.
ADAM SCHIFFThe Gulf states are happy for us to fight and die. That’s good for everybody, but the Americans fighting and dying.
ADAM SCHIFFThe new century has brought on its own terrible dangers, which although not reaching the apocalyptic potential of the Cold War, still have the capacity to shake our world.
ADAM SCHIFFThe most important thing to me is that the president Donald Trump fired the FBI director James Comey all because of the Russia investigation.
ADAM SCHIFFAnd there has to be a far stronger mechanism for being able to track down people, have overstayed their visas, to have a responsibility for who they’re coming to visit or stay with.
ADAM SCHIFFAmericans are blessed with great plenty; we are a generous people and we have a moral obligation to assist those who are suffering from poverty, disease, war and famine.
ADAM SCHIFFAnd in this community, as in all others, the Golden Rule still applies – we must be act toward other nations as we would have them act towards America.
ADAM SCHIFFIn fact, the converse is true: At a time when the United States has been called on for a level of moral leadership, vision and inspiration not seen since World War II
ADAM SCHIFFI think what we are confronting now is a new war of ideas. It’s not communism versus capitalism, but it is authoritarianism versus democracy and representative government.
ADAM SCHIFFThere are perfectly appropriate circumstances to unmask the names of people.
ADAM SCHIFFI think Barack Obama has the overall right strategy and he’s been right to resist bringing in massive numbers of American troops.
ADAM SCHIFFWe need Democrats and Republicans in Congress to work together to fashion a very comprehensive pushback to Russia, not just the cyber-hacking, but their bribery of officials in Europe, their social media campaign, their overt media campaign.
ADAM SCHIFFSo let us call genocide, genocide. Let us not minimize the deliberate murder of 1.5 million people.