We cannot afford to dissemble about crimes against humanity.
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Anand Thakur
We cannot afford to dissemble about crimes against humanity.
ADAM SCHIFFThe legacy of the Armenian Genocide is woven into the fabric of America.
ADAM SCHIFFWhat disturbed me most, frankly, about the Rod Rosenstein memo, is the fact it was addressed to the attorney general.
ADAM SCHIFFFrankly I have much more faith in what they posted than what they say during the course of an interview.
ADAM SCHIFFWe are trying to do as much of this as we can in the public eye transparently.
ADAM SCHIFFAnd that is a threat that here in Europe, they feel acutely. They’ve seen their countries interfered with, bombarded by cyber-attacks, by Russian propaganda, indeed, by Russian troops.
ADAM SCHIFFDonald Trump and his personal attorney want to lay the foundation to discredit whatever Bob Mueller comes up with.
ADAM SCHIFFWe must either reduce the number of our engagements or increase the number of our troops.
ADAM SCHIFFAnd in this community, as in all others, the Golden Rule still applies – we must be act toward other nations as we would have them act towards America.
ADAM SCHIFFThen the small amount of forces that we would have left there might have slowed this day, but they wouldn’t have prevented it altogether.
ADAM SCHIFFWe already know that there are those close to James Comey who have a very different take, if there are tapes, of course, that would be the best evidence of what took place.
ADAM SCHIFFThe only element of it that concerned him was how it might impact him personally.
ADAM SCHIFFI would strongly urge the Donald Trump administration to pick someone who is completely apolitical, who doesn’t come out of the political process
ADAM SCHIFFToo much under the thumb of the Iranians.
ADAM SCHIFFWe need Trump to lead the liberal democratic order around the world.
ADAM SCHIFFI’m concerned the clock is ticking, and the danger to the American people is still very present.