Don’t work for fools. It’s not worth it.
ADAM SAVAGERelated Topics
Anand Thakur
Don’t work for fools. It’s not worth it.
ADAM SAVAGEI just had one of those ‘what the hell are we doing’ moments.
ADAM SAVAGEGravity. It’s not just a good idea; it’s the law!
ADAM SAVAGEWe’re allowed to explore the world at large on these things; the urban-legend aspect of it is just kind of an excuse.
ADAM SAVAGEIt may not look pretty, but it gets the job done.
ADAM SAVAGEI go home at the end of the day and I rarely talk about what I did that day.
ADAM SAVAGEIn the summer of 2002, we had spent six weeks shooting the three pilots of Mythbusters, and Jamie[Hyneman] called me up afterward
ADAM SAVAGEI’ve learned over decades of building that a deadline is a potent tool for problem-solving.
ADAM SAVAGEIt’s a pointless delay that wrecks my pace – and mood.
ADAM SAVAGEThese are people from everywhere, from Lawrence Livermore and JPL and Sandia National Labs, the FBI, all over the place, real scientists who see what we’re doing, and they consistently thank us.
ADAM SAVAGEI would have to say that looked like it hurt.
ADAM SAVAGEOne worth clinging to. But you don’t need religion to appreciate the ordered existence. It’s not just an idea, it’s reality.
ADAM SAVAGEI believe that inside every tool is a hammer.
ADAM SAVAGEI am incrementally a pessimist, but I see the international debate that Edward Snowden has engendered, and I think this is exactly where the discussion should be. So, I would say I’m more optimistic than pessimistic.
ADAM SAVAGEBeing a geek is all about learning the inventories of things.
ADAM SAVAGEYou give me a drawing, you give me a prop to replicate, you give me a crane, scaffolding, parts from ‘Star Wars’