And there are days when just going into work and building something from someone else’s drawing sounds like going back to heaven.
ADAM SAVAGERelated Topics
Anand Thakur
And there are days when just going into work and building something from someone else’s drawing sounds like going back to heaven.
ADAM SAVAGEI reject your reality and substitute my own.
ADAM SAVAGEI have concluded through careful empirical analysis and much thought that somebody is looking out for me, keeping track of what I think about things, forgiving me when I do less than I ought.
ADAM SAVAGEDon’t work for fools. It’s not worth it.
ADAM SAVAGELet’s blow some stuff up.
ADAM SAVAGEI think the whole thing that Jamie [Hyneman] and I have in working together is that we are constantly simplifying each other’s designs,
ADAM SAVAGEIt’s a treat to see the sun rise over the desert. What am I saying? It’s a treat to fire off a rocket car over the desert!
ADAM SAVAGEAnd also making them for myself, obtaining them, appreciating them and diving into them.
ADAM SAVAGEI believe that rules do not make us moral; loving each other makes us moral.
ADAM SAVAGEThat’s our job – to strap rockets onto everything.
ADAM SAVAGEMy dignity and good television – they’ll never meet.
ADAM SAVAGEThat’s a very powerful thing to realize as a kid. LEGOs were a key part of that.
ADAM SAVAGEMostly I make lists for projects. This can be daunting.
ADAM SAVAGEFiremen have the coolest toys ever!
ADAM SAVAGELists are how I parse and manage the world.
ADAM SAVAGEWe cleared all traces of our occupation out of M6 and moved to M7, and it’s been quite smooth over there.