In general, people like that are going to be more progressive, more open minded, a little more altruistic.
ADAM MCKAYIn general, people like that are going to be more progressive, more open minded, a little more altruistic.
ADAM MCKAYI always give myself a little part in every movie.
ADAM MCKAYI went to Temple University, and had to get loans. So I grew up in a world where I saw the government helping individuals pull themselves up, and saw it work very successfully.
ADAM MCKAYThere’s nothing the people love more than a Federal Reserve joke.
ADAM MCKAYWe punch mirrors and we explore our darker selves. No, it’s just an amalgam of all newscasters that we grew up with. Sort of like before there was cable, when these people were like gods.
ADAM MCKAYSometimes you’ll put something in and it will just die so hard that it’ll almost kill the movie.
ADAM MCKAYThe one thing for sure is, I don’t ever want to waste a movie. I don’t ever want to waste effort.
ADAM MCKAYEvery time a congressman or pundit says its ‘class warfare’ to increase taxes on the wealthy, it’s a massive lie.
ADAM MCKAYI think what’s dangerous [about comedy] is that you’re coming into the room announcing your intentions.
ADAM MCKAYThere are so many shoot-’em-up, action, jingoistic TV shows and movies that are made every year. I think the final line is that Hollywood is populist.
ADAM MCKAYAll we have is our vote. But it’s powerful.
ADAM MCKAYI don’t think there’s ever been a moment in history where that, as an artistic message, has played very well, because people in their hearts know that’s terrible and a lie.
ADAM MCKAYDave Herman as Michael Bolton is one of my favorite performances ever.
ADAM MCKAYEvery time I wrote a sketch that was in my voice, Ferrell would just do it better.
ADAM MCKAYI would never call myself cultural elite, but you might be cultural elite.
ADAM MCKAYCelebrities and ‘famous’ people are just regular folks. I know, it’s a shocking and potentially dangerous statement.