Chemistry cannot be purchased.
ADAM LEVINEChemistry cannot be purchased.
ADAM LEVINEIf men were just honest with themselves, they would see that they all have that side.
ADAM LEVINEThere’s nothing to win in yoga. You just do what you can do, one day to the next.
ADAM LEVINEI’m confident. Some people don’t like confidence. They resent confidence.
ADAM LEVINEYou know what I mean? I could have been a zitty teenager and walked into a Tower Records, and we would have talked about Pearl Jam, and we would have fallen in love when we were 15
ADAM LEVINEI’m doing pretty well. If you don’t get married, you can’t get divorced.
ADAM LEVINEShakira is a new friend, but I love her dearly already. She’s so sweet and adorable and hilarious.
ADAM LEVINEPeople always – when you rise, whenever you’re getting to a point where you’re a very big band, which is a very rare thing, there are always going to be people that aren’t going to like you.
ADAM LEVINENormal is enormously susceptible to swinging with the gusts of politics and history.
ADAM LEVINEA lot of times people will think, ‘I’m strong, I’m in shape; why can’t I do this pose?’ But that’s not the point.
ADAM LEVINEIf world peace was as important to people as getting tweeted back by their favorite celebrity, we’d live in a blissful Utopia.
ADAM LEVINEThere’s nothing to win in yoga. You just do what you can do, one day to the next.
ADAM LEVINEIt’s a really big struggle for me to write a song. Songs take either 30 seconds for me to write or a year or two to piece together, depending on the song and how I’m feeling on any given day.
ADAM LEVINEI don’t think you care about that as much as you care about playing music.
ADAM LEVINEI’m feeling like the music business is reaping what it’s sown. It’s going through what inevitably it was going to go through.
ADAM LEVINEThat is why I used the word normative above, a term derived from statistics, simply meaning what most people do.