Tools such as compassion, trust, empathy, love, and ethical discernment are already in our possession. The next sensible step would be to use them.
ABERJHANIThey both have a tendency to blur the lines of what we call norms, or established reality.
More Aberjhani Quotes
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream was not indicators of weakness but gifts of significant strength.
In an age when nations and individuals routinely exchange murder for murder
Peace is not so much a political mandate as it is a shared state of consciousness that remains elevated and intact only to the degree that those who value it volunteer their existence
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela might be measured in part by the profound and unique gestures made by people in different countries to honor his life upon learning of his death.
Most people are slow to champion love because they fear the transformation it brings into their lives.
A bridge of silver wings stretches from the dead ashes of an unforgiving nightmare to the jeweled vision of a life started anew.
Made applicable to the present, and where visions shape the present into extraordinary possibilities for the future.
Learning to cultivate an awareness of the known and unknown within one’s being often leads to a healthier and more realistic sense of self.
September 11, 2001: Citizens of the U.S., besieged by terror’s sting, rose up, weeping glory, as if on eagles’ wings.–from the poem Angel of Remembrance: Candles for September 11, 2001
On faith’s battered back calm eyes etch prayers that cool a nation’s hot rage.
Valentines Day itself, like most holidays in the modern era, has been heavily influenced by commercialism that focuses on the appeal of romantic fantasies.
Authentic inspiration endows individuals with mental or spiritual energy which they are then able to transform into positive action.
Feet sandaled with dreams tread paths of vision leading to wisdom’s sharp peaks.
Beneath the armor of skin/and/bone/and/mind most of our colors are amazingly the same.
How many fears came between us? Earthquakes, diseases, wars where hell rained smoldering pus from skies made of winged death.