When reading about what may be described as the lesser celebrated heroic figures of the Harlem Renaissance,
ABERJHANIThis fire that we call Loving is too strong for human minds. But just right for human souls.
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It also contains a humbling light of recognition that compels many to do whatever they can to help reinforce the efforts of those who might be ‘at risk’ of not just giving up on their dreams, but of giving up on their continued existence.
The passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 represented precisely such a hope – that America had learned from its past and acted to secure a better tomorrow.
In its essence, Martin Luther King Jr.’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech is one citizen’s soul-searing plea with his countrymen––
Horror tore this world asunder. While inside the bleeding smoke and beyond the shredded weeping flesh we memorized tales of infinite good. -from The History Lesson
And make no mistake about it: love does take over and transform the schemes and operations of our egos in a very mighty way.
It becomes more and more difficult to avoid the idea of black men as subjects of not just racial profiling but of an insidious form of racial obliteration sanctioned by silence.
Movies can provide tear-inducing or comically-entertaining representations of love, but many agree that its deeper conflicting complexities often seem unfathomable.
Like a Passover Poet gliding from house to house and from trembling soul to trembling soul the wind scribbled sonnets of first time love and weeping haikus of last hours on earth.
As sad as it may be to admit, in our modern world people are far more accustomed to hearing news of war, genocide, murder, disasters, famine, and disease
The political, social, and spiritual impact of the life example set by Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela
It can make all the difference between a man, woman, or child allowing despair to permanently paralyze any dreams
Whereas the insufficiency of a love neither sustained nor supreme cannot be ignored, the same should not be taken as cause to avoid one’s total spiritual contractual engagement to this world.
Classic romantic love is an emotional attraction between two individuals in which they may share a heightened awareness of mutual adoration.
Love taught me to die with dignity that I might come forth anew in splendor. Born once of flesh, then again of fire
Nation-building is never a ‘done deal’ confined to history already established.