What more civilized way for people to alleviate the same than by giving themselves to one another as brothers and sisters in deed as well as in word?
ABERJHANIYou were born a child of light’s wonderful secret— you return to the beauty you have always been.
More Aberjhani Quotes
The thorn is a bridge spanning the muddy depths of agony and sorrow so that one may on the other side dance to the drums of the rose of joy.
War poisons the land Like diseased minds downloaded/ into bowls of tears.
Like a Passover Poet gliding from house to house and from trembling soul to trembling soul the wind scribbled sonnets of first time love and weeping haikus of last hours on earth.
It appears to be more that of a warrior-philosopher who practices the art of political persuasion by authoring acclaimed books
And other facets of human existence. Looking in certain other corners of the same mirror, he or she may experience glimpses of a True Self sheltered deftly behind a mask of public proprieties.
September 11, 2001: Citizens of the U.S., besieged by terror’s sting, rose up, weeping glory, as if on eagles’ wings.–from the poem Angel of Remembrance: Candles for September 11, 2001
The definitive freedom-sustaining and life-enhancing principles of democracy in living action.
With its leaves so rich and heavy with elation and its crimson face made brighter with visions of divinity the shadow of a certain rose looks just like an angel eating light.
Minister and writer Barbara Kaufmann has addressed the subject of guerrilla decontextualization on both the ‘Voices Compassionate Education’ website and on ‘Inner Michael’,
His [Ben Okri’s] work poses very serious questions for the twenty-first century. Among them:
Poetry and art nourish the soul of the world with the flavor-filled substances of beauty, wisdom and truth.
Many people can rightfully claim, as much as anyone can rightfully claim anything, that much of their lives have been spent stumbling through a cloud of cluelessness.
Here are lips of flame eager to be extinguished by love’s liquid sigh.
This rose of pearl-coated infinity transforms the diseased slums of a broken heart into a palace made of psalms and gold.
When the will to learn from the ordinary is present, a seeker may indeed gain entrance into levels of awareness that are extraordinary.