Literary genres and techniques tend to take form in one’s mind somewhat the way computer templates provide form for different computer tasks.
ABERJHANIYou are the hybrids of golden worlds and ages splendidly conceived.
More Aberjhani Quotes
Love as a concrete foundation for an authentically functional civilization requires the around-the-clock labors of forgiveness. Without it, Love fails
By striving so mightily to accomplish specific goals on behalf of one segment of humanity, she [Toni Morrison] went beyond them to create literary wonders capable of enriching the lives of not just her own people, but of all people.
Groping their way through suffocating shadows of political turmoil, economic oppression, military mayhem, starvation, and disease.
While many people like the idea of exercising unconditional love, most eventually find it too draining and impossible to sustain,
And therein shines one major definition of what it meant to be Clinton D. Powell: someone who looked for, trusted in, and helped empower (if you will) the best in others.
They both have a tendency to blur the lines of what we call norms, or established reality.
Writing for me is a form of spiritual discipline and creative vision, a means of being in the world and giving one’s love to it without compromise or dilution.
When a reader enters the pages of a book of poetry, he or she enters a world where dreams transform the past into knowledge
Operating to implement a balance and give us an opportunity to turn the horrors we’ve forced upon each other into something more conducive to sustaining at least minimal degrees of sanity and love.
This world’s anguish is no different from the love we insist on holding back.
They both, when we study that grand tapestry known as history and modern-day society, tend to stand out in much bolder relief than other figures from Dancing with Madness, Dancing with Genius
I was reborn a third time to the sound of my name humming haikus in heaven’s mouth.
Now come the whispers bearing bouquets of moonbeams and sunlight tremblings.
We are living in an era in which billions of people are grappling to promote communication, tolerance, and understanding over the more destructive forces of war
Poetry looking in the mirror sees art, and art looking in a mirror sings poetry.