Love taught me to die with dignity that I might come forth anew in splendor. Born once of flesh, then again of fire
ABERJHANIThe ecstatic beauty and soulful grace of Rumi’s poetry inspires human hearts to believe in possibilities beyond the predictably fatal.
More Aberjhani Quotes
Complications generally begin long before the fated soul carries its dubious light into whatever womb has been kind enough to volunteer
Most people are slow to champion love because they fear the transformation it brings into their lives.
Careful studies of cases dealing with supposed ‘mental disorder’ have at times revealed that many thought to be insane or warped in some fashion were actually simply highly sensitive individuals.
Un-winged and naked, sorrow surrenders its crown to a throne called grace.
What they suffered from was not mental debilitation, but personal and communal ignorance of psychic reality.
There is in Albert Camus’ literary craftsmanship a seductive intelligence that could almost make a reader dismiss his philosophical intentions if he had not insisted on making them so clear.
In the days when hyenas of hate suckle the babes of men, and jackals of hypocrisy pimp their mothers’ broken hearts, may children not look to demons of ignorance for hope.
Operating to implement a balance and give us an opportunity to turn the horrors we’ve forced upon each other into something more conducive to sustaining at least minimal degrees of sanity and love.
With its leaves so rich and heavy with elation and its crimson face made brighter with visions of divinity the shadow of a certain rose looks just like an angel eating light.
An author accepting language’s invitation to dance steps onto the floor of his her sensibility-charged consciousness and begins to move instinctively–even if with much dread
Most of the more celebrated names among African-American authors, poets, and artists are known to the world because of their association with specific cultural arts movements.
And the relentless suffocation of that singular breath which makes human beings individuals.
Whereas the insufficiency of a love neither sustained nor supreme cannot be ignored, the same should not be taken as cause to avoid one’s total spiritual contractual engagement to this world.
To heal the wounds of a nation as opposed to aggravate its injuries
Just above our terror, the stars painted this story in perfect silver calligraphy. And our souls, too often abused by ignorance, covered our eyes with mercy.