When we vote we participate in the construction of a context.
ABERJHANIA horn of plenty spills from your hands into the starved lives of millions.
More Aberjhani Quotes
Within the universe of the extraordinary, those qualities we designate to human concepts of gender are often shared, exchanged, or even completely obliterated.
Emancipation Proclamation represents both phenomenal political symbolism and a victory of faith in democracy that should not be lost on any American.
When the will to learn from the ordinary is present, a seeker may indeed gain entrance into levels of awareness that are extraordinary.
It can make all the difference between a man, woman, or child allowing despair to permanently paralyze any dreams
Christmas When Music Almost Killed the World
The same hot lightning that burns your blood with passion–– cools your fears with peace.
Know yourself fearlessly (even quietly) for all the things you are.
Delivering well-crafted speeches, assembling unified coalitions, passing historic legislation, signing well-aimed executive orders, and cultivating a poised but accessible demeanor.
By striving so mightily to accomplish specific goals on behalf of one segment of humanity, she [Toni Morrison] went beyond them to create literary wonders capable of enriching the lives of not just her own people, but of all people.
The books are also a part of what I call the great continuum of spiritual literary dialogue that I feel has been in progress since human beings
Women and Men, Christians and Jews, Muslims and Buddhists, white, black, red, brown.
Trayvon Martin, at the most, seems only to have been guilty of being himself.
And to empower them to confront the worst in themselves in order to discover and claim the best in themselves.
Millions cheer the warriorspilling blood across the ringwhile the one who stands for peaceis ridiculed and shamed.
The rainbows that dangle upon this mist: shatter. Like the smile of a child separated from his mother’s milk for the very first time.from poem Blood and Blossoms