Careful studies of cases dealing with supposed ‘mental disorder’ have at times revealed that many thought to be insane or warped in some fashion were actually simply highly sensitive individuals.
ABERJHANIDeath wins nothing here, gnawing wings that amputate–– then spread, lift up, fly.
More Aberjhani Quotes
Compassion crowns the soul with its truest victory.
The more we ignore its potential to bring greater balance and deeper meaning to human existence
I was reborn a third time to the sound of my name humming haikus in heaven’s mouth.
Looking at certain illuminated corners of or cracks within the mirror, the author can see fragments of an objective reality that comprise the physical universe, social communities, political dynamics,
Within the universe of the extraordinary, those qualities we designate to human concepts of gender are often shared, exchanged, or even completely obliterated.
Poetry, like jazz, is one of those dazzling diamonds of creative industry that help human beings make sense out of the comedies and tragedies that contextualize our lives.
Whites and Blacks––to recognize that racial disparities fueled by unwarranted bigotry were crippling America’s ability to shine as a true beacon of democracy in a world filled with people
First gave in to the urge to pray to their sense of something greater than themselves and interpreted certain signs or events or silences as responses to those prayers.
Varieties of angels, like varieties of love, are many.
By consciously meditating upon spiritual truths and cultivating personal integrity, one need never fear negative circumstances.
The more likely we are to continue to define history as one long inglorious record of man’s inhumanity to man.
With its leaves so rich and heavy with elation and its crimson face made brighter with visions of divinity the shadow of a certain rose looks just like an angel eating light.
Most of the more celebrated names among African-American authors, poets, and artists are known to the world because of their association with specific cultural arts movements.
Oh what a wonderful soul so bright inside you. Got power to heal the sun’s broken heart, power to restore the moon’s vision too.
Poetry looking in the mirror sees art, and art looking in a mirror sings poetry.