Just above our terror, the stars painted this story in perfect silver calligraphy. And our souls, too often abused by ignorance, covered our eyes with mercy.
ABERJHANIIt appears to be more that of a warrior-philosopher who practices the art of political persuasion by authoring acclaimed books
More Aberjhani Quotes
And a hunger for meaning beyond the flavors that enter and exit the physical body. A person might even be described as a self-contained multiverse.
The words ‘I Love You’ kill, and resurrect millions, in less than a second.
If life is a birthday cake let my face be smeared with its icing of cognac and kindness.
And what you know from the depths of your own heart to the peaks of your soul to be true. What happens after that is up to you.
An outrageous instinct to love and be loved blinded your arms to lines of propriety
With something closer to love in its most empowering and healing sense.
And the relentless suffocation of that singular breath which makes human beings individuals.
Most people are slow to champion love because they fear the transformation it brings into their lives.
Some have speculated that the way [Albert] Camus died made his theories on absurdity a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Nation-building is never a ‘done deal’ confined to history already established.
Change is one of the scariest things in the world and yet it is also one of those variables of human existence that no one can avoid.
Poetry looking in the mirror sees art, and art looking in a mirror sings poetry.
While many people like the idea of exercising unconditional love, most eventually find it too draining and impossible to sustain,
You are the hybrids of golden worlds and ages splendidly conceived.
Classic romantic love is an emotional attraction between two individuals in which they may share a heightened awareness of mutual adoration.