Christ is ever in the world of existence. He has never disappeared out of it…. Rest assured that Christ is present. The Spiritual beauty we see around us today is from the breathings of Christ.
ABDU'L-BAHAHis Law and render of no account all efforts exerted in the past.
More Abdu'l-Baha Quotes
Even through the limitless space of the heavens – surround all that exists, and make discoveries in the exalted spheres and infinite distances. .
We must all strive and concentrate all our thoughts in order that such happiness may accrue to the world of humanity.
When the spiritually minded dive deeply into the ocean of their meaning they bring to the surface the pearls of their inner significance.
The pure heart is one that is entirely cut away from self. To be selfless is to be pure.
Just as he prepared himself in the world of the matrix by acquiring forces necessary in this sphere of existence, so, likewise, the indispensable forces of the divine existence must be potentially attained in this world.
There is no question but that they will exert all their efforts, their energies, their sense of pride, to acquire the sciences and arts.
If some one commits an error and wrong toward you, you must instantly forgive him.
In every aspect of life, purity and holiness, cleanliness and refinement, exalt the human condition.Even in the physical realm, cleanliness will conduce to spirituality.
But to remain happy and contented in the face of difficulty, hardship and the onslaught of disease and sickness-this is an indication of nobility.
What are the requirements? Love for mankind, sincerity toward all, reflecting the oneness of the world of humanity, philanthropy, becoming enkindled with the fire of the love of God
May you become as the waves of one sea, stars of the same heaven, fruits adorning the same tree, roses of one garden in order that through you the oneness of humanity may establish its temple in the world of mankind
He needed ears; he obtained them there in readiness and preparation for his new existence. The powers requisite in this world were conferred upon him in the world of the matrix.
The intellect is good but until it has become the servant of the heart, it is of little avail.
The time has come for humanity to hoist the standard of the oneness of the human world, so that dogmatic formulas and superstitions may end.
Attainment to the knowledge of God and that which is conducive to human welfare.