Man is not intended to see through the eyes of another, hear through another’s ears nor comprehend with another’s brain.
ABDU'L-BAHAHis Law and render of no account all efforts exerted in the past.
More Abdu'l-Baha Quotes
Love gives life to the lifeless. Love lights a flame in the heart that is cold. Love brings hope to the hopeless and gladdens the hearts of the sorrowful.
Every kind of knowledge, every science, is as a tree: if the fruit of it be the love of God, then is it a blessed tree, but if not, that tree is but dried-up wood, and shall only feed the fire
Man is in reality a spiritual being and only when he lives in the spirit is he truly happy.
When this holy attribute is established in man, all the divine qualities will also become realized.
The diversity in the human family should be the cause of love and harmony, as it is in music where many different notes blend together in the making of a perfect chord.
When the spiritually minded dive deeply into the ocean of their meaning they bring to the surface the pearls of their inner significance.
Set your faces steadily towards the Light of the World. Show love to all… Take courage! God never forsakes His children who strive and work and pray!
A man may be a Bah’ in name only. If he is a Bah’ in reality, his deeds and actions will be decisive proofs of it.
Let’s be wise as the silence, strong as the wind, useful as the light; let’s make of our lips a censer of the virtues.
I want you to be happy…to laugh, smile and rejoice in order that others may be made happy by you.
This is because the spirit has no place; it is placeless; and for the spirit the earth and the heaven are as one since it makes discoveries in both
But the balance is already shifting—force is losing its weight and mental alertness, intuition, and the spiritual qualities of love and service, in which woman is strong, are gaining ascendancy.
Even through the limitless space of the heavens – surround all that exists, and make discoveries in the exalted spheres and infinite distances. .
In this sacred Dispensation conflict and contention are in no wise permitted.
At whatever time highly skilled physicians shall have developed the healing of illnesses by means of foods, and shall make provision for simple foods, and shall prohibit humankind from living as slaves to their lustful appetites.