Joy gives us wings! In times of joy our strength is more vital, our intellect keener, and our understanding less clouded. We seem better able to cope with the world and to find our sphere of influence.
ABDU'L-BAHAThe faithful are ever sustained by the presence of the Supreme Concourse. In the Supreme Concourse are Jesus, and Moses, and Elijah, and Bahá’u’lláh, and other supreme Souls: there, also, are the martyrs.
More Abdu'l-Baha Quotes
War shall cease between nations, and by the will of God the Most Great Peace shall come; the world will be seen as a new world, and all men will live as brothers.
New bounties, bestowals and perfections are awaiting and already descending upon him.
To speak more exactly, will be an age in which the masculine and feminine elements of civilization will be more evenly balanced.
When a man turns his face to God he finds sunshine everywhere.
The faithful are ever sustained by the presence of the Supreme Concourse. In the Supreme Concourse are Jesus, and Moses, and Elijah, and Bahá’u’lláh, and other supreme Souls: there, also, are the martyrs.
In short, the foundation of the Kingdom of God is based upon harmony and love, oneness, relationship and union, not upon differences, especially between husband and wife.
Love everybody, serve everybody.
Service to humanity is service to God. Let the love and light of the Kingdom radiate through you until all who look upon you shall be illumined by its reflection. Be as stars, brilliant and sparkling in the loftiness of their heavenly station.
Man is not intended to see through the eyes of another, hear through another’s ears nor comprehend with another’s brain.
Divine Justice demands that the rights of both sexes should be equally respected since neither is superior to the other in the eyes of Heaven.
At whatever time highly skilled physicians shall have developed the healing of illnesses by means of foods, and shall make provision for simple foods, and shall prohibit humankind from living as slaves to their lustful appetites.
Even through the limitless space of the heavens – surround all that exists, and make discoveries in the exalted spheres and infinite distances. .
To promote knowledge is thus an inescapable duty imposed on every one of the friends of God.
If we are not happy and joyous at this season, for what other season shall we wait and for what other time shall we look?
The most important principle of divine philosophy is the oneness of the world of humanity, the unity of mankind, the bond conjoining East and West, the tie of love which blends human hearts.