The mere size of the brain has been proved to be no measure of superiority.
ABDU'L-BAHAThe wisdom of the appearance of the spirit in the body is this: the human spirit is a Divine Trust,
More Abdu'l-Baha Quotes
Attainment to the knowledge of God and that which is conducive to human welfare.
The world in the past has been ruled by force, and man has dominated over woman by reason of his more forceful and aggressive qualities both of body and mind.
Truthfulness is the foundation of all virtues of the world of humanity. Without truthfulness, progress and success in all the worlds of God are impossible for a soul.
Divine things are too deep to be expressed by common words. The heavenly teachings are expressed in parable in order to be understood and preserved for ages to come.
He who is educated by the Divine Spirit can, in his time, lead others to receive the same Spirit.
The faithful are ever sustained by the presence of the Supreme Concourse. In the Supreme Concourse are Jesus, and Moses, and Elijah, and Bahá’u’lláh, and other supreme Souls: there, also, are the martyrs.
Religion and science are the two wings upon which man’s intelligence can soar into the heights, with which the human soul can progress.
One must see in every human being only that which is worthy of praise. When this is done, one can be a friend to the whole human race.
But to remain happy and contented in the face of difficulty, hardship and the onslaught of disease and sickness-this is an indication of nobility.
We should all visit the sick. When they are in sorrow and suffering, it is a real help and benefit to have a friend come.
In some respects woman is superior to man. She is more tender-hearted, more receptive, her intuition is more intense.
Let’s be wise as the silence, strong as the wind, useful as the light; let’s make of our lips a censer of the virtues.
Dignity before God depends, not on sex, but on purity and luminosity of heart. Human virtues belong equally to all!
The supreme magnetic force that directeth the movements of the spheres in the celestial realms
Hence the new age will be an age less masculine, and more permeated with the feminine ideals