All Art is a gift of the Holy Spirit. When this light shines through the mind of a musician, it manifests itself in beautiful harmonies. Again, shining through the mind of a poet, it is seen in fine poetry and poetic prose.
ABDU'L-BAHAThe mind and spirit of man advance when he is tried by suffering. … so suffering and tribulation free man from the petty affairs of this worldly life until he arrives at a state of complete detachment.
More Abdu'l-Baha Quotes
Let us have love and more love; a love that melts all opposition, a love that conquers all foes.
It is good to laugh. Laughter is spiritual relaxation.
The supreme magnetic force that directeth the movements of the spheres in the celestial realms
If religious beliefs and opinions are found contrary to the standards of science they are mere superstitions and imaginations.
I beseech you, one and all, to add your prayers to mine to the end that war and bloodshed cease, and that love, friendship, peace and unity reign in the world.
Happiness is a great healer to those who are ill….This has a greater effect than the remedy itself. You must always have this thought of love and affection when you visit the ailing and afflicted.
The woman has greater moral courage than the man; she has also special gifts which enable her to govern in moments of danger and crisis. If necessary she can become a warrior.
Observe that the body of man is confined to a small place; it covers only two spans of earth. But the spirit and mind of man travel to all countries and regions
His Law and render of no account all efforts exerted in the past.
In the world of existence there is indeed no greater power than the power of love
So will success crown your efforts, and with the universal brotherhood will come the Kingdom of God in peace and goodwill.
What profit is there in agreeing that universal friendship is good, and talking of the solidarity of the human race as a grand ideal?
Fighting, and the employment of force, even for the right cause, will not bring about good results. The oppressed who have right on their side, must not take that right by force; the evil would continue. Hearts must be changed.
When the Light of the Sun of Truth inspires the mind of a painter, he produces marvellous pictures. These gifts are fulfilling their highest purpose, when showing forth the praise of God.
We ask God to endow human souls with justice so that they may be fair and may strive to provide for the comfort of all that each member of humanity may pass his life in the utmost comfort and welfare.