There is no question but that they will exert all their efforts, their energies, their sense of pride, to acquire the sciences and arts.
ABDU'L-BAHALet us have love and more love; a love that melts all opposition, a love that conquers all foes.
More Abdu'l-Baha Quotes
A love that sweeps away all barriers, a love that aboundeth in charity, a large-heartedness, tolerance, forgiveness and noble striving, a love that triumphs over all obstacles.
At whatever time highly skilled physicians shall have developed the healing of illnesses by means of foods, and shall make provision for simple foods, and shall prohibit humankind from living as slaves to their lustful appetites.
By this means she will demonstrate capability and ensure recognition of equality in the social and economic equation.
The supreme magnetic force that directeth the movements of the spheres in the celestial realms
Today the mass of the people are uninformed even as to ordinary affairs, how much less do they grasp the core of the important problems and complex needs of the time.
When this holy attribute is established in man, all the divine qualities will also become realized.
Dignity before God depends, not on sex, but on purity and luminosity of heart. Human virtues belong equally to all!
Even through the limitless space of the heavens – surround all that exists, and make discoveries in the exalted spheres and infinite distances. .
Let’s be wise as the silence, strong as the wind, useful as the light; let’s make of our lips a censer of the virtues.
Divine things are too deep to be expressed by common words. The heavenly teachings are expressed in parable in order to be understood and preserved for ages to come.
All down the ages we see how blood has stained the surface of the earth; but now a ray of greater light has come
Christ is ever in the world of existence. He has never disappeared out of it…. Rest assured that Christ is present. The Spiritual beauty we see around us today is from the breathings of Christ.
If some one commits an error and wrong toward you, you must instantly forgive him.
Humanity has emerged from its former degrees of limitation and preliminary training. Man must now become imbued with new virtues and powers, new moralities, new capacities.
So will success crown your efforts, and with the universal brotherhood will come the Kingdom of God in peace and goodwill.