The mere size of the brain has been proved to be no measure of superiority.
ABDU'L-BAHABy nothing,under no conditions, be ye perturbed.
More Abdu'l-Baha Quotes
There is but one power which heals—that is God. The state or condition through which the healing takes place is the confidence of the heart.
Is the people’s lack of religious faith and the fact that they are uneducated.
I want you to be happy…to laugh, smile and rejoice in order that others may be made happy by you.
He who is educated by the Divine Spirit can, in his time, lead others to receive the same Spirit.
If we are not happy and joyous at this season, for what other season shall we wait and for what other time shall we look?
it is certain that the incidence of chronic and diversified illnesses will abate, and the general health of all mankind will be much improved.
All Art is a gift of the Holy Spirit. When this light shines through the mind of a musician, it manifests itself in beautiful harmonies. Again, shining through the mind of a poet, it is seen in fine poetry and poetic prose.
The wisdom of the appearance of the spirit in the body is this: the human spirit is a Divine Trust,
My heart is in a constant state of thanksgiving.
Truthfulness is the foundation of all the virtues of mankind
God has created us all humanHe is kind & just to all. Why should we be unkind & unjust to each other?
There is no greater pleasure than to study God’s Word with a spiritual mind.
Divine Justice demands that the rights of both sexes should be equally respected since neither is superior to the other in the eyes of Heaven.
If religion becomes a cause of dislike, hatred and division, it would be better to be without it… Any religion which is not a cause of love and unity is no religion.
I beseech you, one and all, to add your prayers to mine to the end that war and bloodshed cease, and that love, friendship, peace and unity reign in the world.