The human spirit may be likened to the bounty of the sun shining on a mirror. The body of man, … grows and develops through the animal spirit.
ABDU'L-BAHAMan’s intelligence is greater, spirituality is beginning to grow, and a time is surely coming when the religions of the world will be at peace.
More Abdu'l-Baha Quotes
The pure heart is one that is entirely cut away from self. To be selfless is to be pure.
Beware of prejudice; light is good in whatsoever lamp it is burning; a rose is beautiful in whatever garden it may bloom.
When this holy attribute is established in man, all the divine qualities will also become realized.
A thought of #hatred must be destroyed by a more powerful thought of #love.
We should all visit the sick. When they are in sorrow and suffering, it is a real help and benefit to have a friend come.
I want you to be happy…to laugh, smile and rejoice in order that others may be made happy by you.
Attainment to the knowledge of God and that which is conducive to human welfare.
In that world there is need of spirituality, faith, assurance, the knowledge and love of God.
To find that Bahá’í young people, each and all, are known throughout the world for their intellectual attainmen
Let’s be wise as the silence, strong as the wind, useful as the light; let’s make of our lips a censer of the virtues.
What are the requirements? Love for mankind, sincerity toward all, reflecting the oneness of the world of humanity, philanthropy, becoming enkindled with the fire of the love of God
The home of Religion is the heart.
Whatever other children learn in a year, let Bahá’í children learn in a month. The heart of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá longeth, in its love
Love everybody, serve everybody.
Love is the most great law that ruleth this mighty and heavenly cycle, the unique power that bindeth together the divers elements of this material world