If a man has ten good qualities and one bad one, to look at the ten and forget the one, and if a man has ten bad qualities and one good one, to look at the one and forget the ten.
ABDU'L-BAHAAttainment to the knowledge of God and that which is conducive to human welfare.
More Abdu'l-Baha Quotes
Bahá’í marriage is union and cordial affection between the two parties. They must, however, exercise the utmost care and become acquainted with each other’s character.
Love manifests its reality in deeds, not only in words – these alone are without effect.
Woman must especially devote her energies and abilities toward the industrial and agricultural sciences, seeking to assist mankind in that which is most needful.
I want you to be happy…to laugh, smile and rejoice in order that others may be made happy by you.
In that world there is need of spirituality, faith, assurance, the knowledge and love of God.
Just as he prepared himself in the world of the matrix by acquiring forces necessary in this sphere of existence, so, likewise, the indispensable forces of the divine existence must be potentially attained in this world.
We ask God to endow human souls with justice so that they may be fair and may strive to provide for the comfort of all that each member of humanity may pass his life in the utmost comfort and welfare.
it is certain that the incidence of chronic and diversified illnesses will abate, and the general health of all mankind will be much improved.
Prejudices of any kind are the destroyers of human happiness & welfare.
The diversity in the human family should be the cause of love and harmony, as it is in music where many different notes blend together in the making of a perfect chord.
The reality of man is his thought, not his material body. The thought force and the animal force are partners. Although man is part of the animal creation, he possesses a power of thought superior to all other created beings.
In this sacred Dispensation conflict and contention are in no wise permitted.
A thought of #hatred must be destroyed by a more powerful thought of #love.
But the balance is already shifting—force is losing its weight and mental alertness, intuition, and the spiritual qualities of love and service, in which woman is strong, are gaining ascendancy.
This eternal bond should be made secure by a firm covenant, and the intention should be to foster harmony, fellowship and unity and to attain everlasting life.