The principal reason for the decline and fall of peoples is ignorance.
ABDU'L-BAHANew bounties, bestowals and perfections are awaiting and already descending upon him.
More Abdu'l-Baha Quotes
All Art is a gift of the Holy Spirit. When this light shines through the mind of a musician, it manifests itself in beautiful harmonies. Again, shining through the mind of a poet, it is seen in fine poetry and poetic prose.
This is destined to come about. In the same way, in the character, the conduct and the manners of men, universal modifications will be made.
What profit is there in agreeing that universal friendship is good, and talking of the solidarity of the human race as a grand ideal?
Man is under all conditons immersed in a sea of God’s blessings. Therefore, be thou not hopeless under any circumstances, but rather be firm in thy hope
But to remain happy and contented in the face of difficulty, hardship and the onslaught of disease and sickness-this is an indication of nobility.
The rich must wish to give! Life in man should be like a flame, warming all with whom it comes into contact. The spiritually awakened are like to bright torches in the sight of God, they give light and comfort to their fellows.
The body of the human world is sick. Its remedy and healing will be the oneness of the kingdom of humanity. Its life is the Most Great Peace. Its illumination and quickening is love.
For knowledge is light, life, felicity, perfection, beauty and the means of approaching the Threshold of Unity. It is the honor and glory of the world of humanity
Behold a candle, how it gives its light. It weeps its life away drop by drop in order to give forth its flame of light.
In some respects woman is superior to man. She is more tender-hearted, more receptive, her intuition is more intense.
A man may be a Bah’ in name only. If he is a Bah’ in reality, his deeds and actions will be decisive proofs of it.
To find that Bahá’í young people, each and all, are known throughout the world for their intellectual attainmen
This eternal bond should be made secure by a firm covenant, and the intention should be to foster harmony, fellowship and unity and to attain everlasting life.
The human spirit may be likened to the bounty of the sun shining on a mirror. The body of man, … grows and develops through the animal spirit.
Man is in reality a spiritual being and only when he lives in the spirit is he truly happy.