Hence the new age will be an age less masculine, and more permeated with the feminine ideals
ABDU'L-BAHAAnd now one of the greatest and most fundamental principles of the Cause of God is to shun and avoid entirely the Covenant-breakers, for they will utterly destroy the Cause of God, exterminate
More Abdu'l-Baha Quotes
At whatever time highly skilled physicians shall have developed the healing of illnesses by means of foods, and shall make provision for simple foods, and shall prohibit humankind from living as slaves to their lustful appetites.
One must see in every human being only that which is worthy of praise. When this is done, one can be a friend to the whole human race.
If a man has ten good qualities and one bad one, to look at the ten and forget the one, and if a man has ten bad qualities and one good one, to look at the one and forget the ten.
Let your hearts be filled with the strenuous desire that tranquillity and harmony may encircle all this warring world.
The reality of man is his thought, not his material body. The thought force and the animal force are partners. Although man is part of the animal creation, he possesses a power of thought superior to all other created beings.
What are the requirements? Love for mankind, sincerity toward all, reflecting the oneness of the world of humanity, philanthropy, becoming enkindled with the fire of the love of God
A thought of #hatred must be destroyed by a more powerful thought of #love.
War shall cease between nations, and by the will of God the Most Great Peace shall come; the world will be seen as a new world, and all men will live as brothers.
Just as he prepared himself in the world of the matrix by acquiring forces necessary in this sphere of existence, so, likewise, the indispensable forces of the divine existence must be potentially attained in this world.
In every aspect of life, purity and holiness, cleanliness and refinement, exalt the human condition.Even in the physical realm, cleanliness will conduce to spirituality.
There is but one power which heals—that is God. The state or condition through which the healing takes place is the confidence of the heart.
The supreme magnetic force that directeth the movements of the spheres in the celestial realms
Strive with all your hearts, raise up your voices and shout, until this dark world be filled with light.
Set your faces steadily towards the Light of the World. Show love to all… Take courage! God never forsakes His children who strive and work and pray!
Love everybody, serve everybody.