The rich must wish to give! Life in man should be like a flame, warming all with whom it comes into contact. The spiritually awakened are like to bright torches in the sight of God, they give light and comfort to their fellows.
ABDU'L-BAHADivine things are too deep to be expressed by common words. The heavenly teachings are expressed in parable in order to be understood and preserved for ages to come.
More Abdu'l-Baha Quotes
This eternal bond should be made secure by a firm covenant, and the intention should be to foster harmony, fellowship and unity and to attain everlasting life.
One must see in every human being only that which is worthy of praise. When this is done, one can be a friend to the whole human race.
Its happiness is the attainment of spiritual perfections.
Beware of prejudice; light is good in whatsoever lamp it is burning; a rose is beautiful in whatever garden it may bloom.
The more ye persevere in this most important task, the more will ye witness the confirmations of God, to such a degree that ye yourselves will be astonished.
The human spirit may be likened to the bounty of the sun shining on a mirror. The body of man, … grows and develops through the animal spirit.
That world beyond is a world of sanctity and radiance; therefore, it is necessary that in this world he should acquire these divine attributes..
A man may be a Bah’ in name only. If he is a Bah’ in reality, his deeds and actions will be decisive proofs of it.
May you become as the waves of one sea, stars of the same heaven, fruits adorning the same tree, roses of one garden in order that through you the oneness of humanity may establish its temple in the world of mankind
Whilst on the other hand, with the wing of science alone he would also make no progress, but fall into the despairing slough of materialism.
The supreme magnetic force that directeth the movements of the spheres in the celestial realms
The world in the past has been ruled by force, and man has dominated over woman by reason of his more forceful and aggressive qualities both of body and mind.
Hence the new age will be an age less masculine, and more permeated with the feminine ideals
There is no greater pleasure than to study God’s Word with a spiritual mind.
Be not the slave of your moods, but their master. But if you are so angry, so depressed and so sore that your spirit cannot find deliverance and peace even in prayer, then quickly go and give some pleasure to someone lowly or sorrowful,