Never let your fear decide your fate.
AARON BRUNONever let your fear decide your fate.
AARON BRUNOSome people are more affected by, I hate to use the word “success,” but I don’t know what else to say, but some people are more affected by that than others.
AARON BRUNOI’ve had the same friends I’ve always had. I mean, I’ve lost a few over the years.
AARON BRUNOLook, one of the things that I know for sure is that none of us truly knows. That’s it. It’ll hit you later.
AARON BRUNOYou got to head north. It’s always about going north, you know?
AARON BRUNOIf you’re waiting around for something to be handed to you or win the lottery, chances are nothing is ever going to go down, you know, so you got to make it happen on your own.
AARON BRUNOTrying to put music out there in the world is a pretty exciting, yet terrifying, thing and I’ve just been through the ringer.
AARON BRUNOI’ve been through a lot of ups and downs. I’ve been on both sides of it all, I guess. So there’s not one specific event or thought that I’m dealing with or drawing from necessarily.
AARON BRUNOI find that a lot of times when family members get bronchitis or the flu or something like that, I’ll kind of skate through and be really lucky and not get that sick.
AARON BRUNOMy point is, I don’t see the need to eat animals. I love animals; besides the horrible stuff that’s put in meat, I actually love cuddling with animals and petting them and stuff.
AARON BRUNOI want to surround myself with the people I care about and that has a lot to do with what love is. It’s surrounding yourself with the people you do love and trust, and that kind of thing.
AARON BRUNOI’ve always found it pretty difficult to write a happy song. Since I was a kid, when I pick up my guitar it’s been hard for me to write some sort of bubblegum lyrics. It’s not really ever been my route.
AARON BRUNOLet’s say I’m at a party and I don’t like the feeling I’m getting, I’ll just leave. Why do I have to be there?
AARON BRUNOI have a lot of questions and I don’t have that many answers. So what better place to exercise those thoughts than the lyrics, I guess.
AARON BRUNOMy drummer is my favorite drummer in the world, and he also happens to be the funniest person you’ll meet.
AARON BRUNOI just find that with music I’ve always felt a sort of comfort.