You vote yourselves salaries out of the public funds and care only for your own personal interests; hence the state limps along.
ARISTOPHANESYe Children of Man! whose life is a span, Protracted with sorrow from day to day, Naked and featherless, feeble and querulous, Sickly, calamitous creatures of clay!
More Aristophanes Quotes
It is right that the good should be happy, that the wicked and the impious on the other hand, should be miserable; that is a truth, I believe, which no one will gainsay.
Times change. The vices of your age are stylish today.
To invoke solely the weaker arguments and yet triumph is an art worth more than a hundred thousand drachmae.
I would treat her like an egg, the shell of which we remove before eating it; I would take off her mask and then kiss her pretty face.
There’s no art where there’s no fee.
No man is really honest; none of us is above the influence of gain.
Your lost friends are not dead, but gone before, advanced a stage or two upon that road which you must travel in the steps they trod.
Woman is adept at getting money for herself and will not easily let herself be deceived; she understands deceit too well herself.
Love is merely the name for the desire and pursuit of the whole.
Wise people, even though all laws were abolished, would still lead the same life.
A man’s homeland is wherever he prospers.
Let each man exercise the art he knows.
Men of sense often learn from their enemies. It is from their foes, not their friends, that cities learn the lesson of building high walls and ships of war.
A man should be able to stand up under any disaster for his country’s good.
It is bad taste for a poet to be coarse and hairy.