Work for your terrestrial life in proportion to your location in it, and work for your afterlife in proportion to your eternity in it.
AL-GHAZALIIt is sometimes said that we drink our religion with our mother’s milk.
More Al-Ghazali Quotes
Whoever says that all music is prohibited, let him also claim that the songs of birds are prohibited.
Knowledge without action is wastefulness and action without knowledge is foolishness.
Love for God is the farthest reach of all stations, the sun of the highest degrees, and there is no station after that of love, except its fruit and its consequences.
If the world had two gods, it would surely go to ruin-this is the first premise. Now it is known that it has not gone to ruin-this is the second premise. From these premises the conclusion must of necessity follow, that is, the denial of two gods.
He who does not arrive at the Intuition of these Truths by means of Ecstasy knows only the name of Inspiration.
Know, O beloved, that man was not created in jest or at random, but marvelously made and for some great end. Although he is not form everlasting, yet he lives for ever; and though his body is mean and earthly, yet his spirit is lofty and divine.
This visible world is a trace of that invisible one and the former follows the latter like a shadow.
You possess only whatever will not be lost in a ship wreck.
Offen love between two people intensifies not because of beauty or some advantage, but because of sheer spiritual affinity.
Declare your jihad on thirteen enemies you cannot see – Egoism, Arrogance, Conceit, Selfishness, Greed, Lust, Intolerance, Anger, Lying, Cheating, Gossiping and Slandering. If you can master and destroy them, then will be ready to fight the enemy you can see.
You must convince your heart that whatever Allah has decreed is most appropriate and most beneficial for you.
Each of your breaths is a priceless jewel, since each of them is irreplaceable and once gone, can never be retrieved.
He who buries his head deep into a nosebag full of food cannot hope to see the invisible world.
The soul should take care of the body, just as the pilgrim on his way to Makkah takes care of his camel; but if the pilgrim spends his whole time in feeding and adorning his camel, the caravan will leave him behind, and he will perish in the desert.
If you see Allah, Mighty and Magnificent, holding back this world from you, frequently trying you with adversity and tribulation, know that you hold a great status with Him. Know that He is dealing with you as He does with His Awliya’ and chosen elite, and is watching over you.