More Swedish Proverbs
- Cookie searches for a wife.
- Who is chasing after another must himself rest.
- One swallow does not a summer make.
- During the evening the lazy get in a hurry.
- To defend a wrong, is to wrong do anew.
- First to the mill will first grind.
- Where shall the ladle be if not in the cauldron?
- The devil visits the rich too – but he visits the poor twice.
- Rome was not built in one day.
- Own hearth is gold worth.
- Variety delights.
- One should not add oil to the fire.
- A man without money is like a boat without sails.
- Self-praise stinks.
- He who sleeps does not sin.
- Butterflies forget that they were once caterpillars.
- Better listen to a broken string than never having bent a bow.
- What starts with a needle usually ends with a silver bowl.
- What you lose at the swings you take back at the merry-go-round.
- The stomach gets full before the eye.
- Even a blind hen can find a grain.
- Everyone knows the monkey, but the monkey knows no one.
- The young should be taught, the old should be honored.
- Children do as you do, not as you say.
- Honor whom should be honored.
- In the realm of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
- It is to be bent in time, that which bent shall be.