American Proverb Quote - Consent to common custom, but not to common folly.

Consent to common custom, but not to common folly.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram American Proverb Quote - Your ignorance is your worst enemy. Your ignorance is your worst enemy.
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram American Proverb Quote - Clean your own doorstep before you clean someone else’s. Clean your own doorstep before you clean someone else’s.
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram American Proverb Quote - Colleges hate geniuses, just as convents hate saints. Colleges hate geniuses, just as convents hate saints.
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram American Proverb Quote - Conceit is the self satisfaction of a jackass. Conceit is the self satisfaction of a jackass.
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram American Proverb Quote - Contempt is the best return for scurrility. Contempt is the best return for scurrility.
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram American Proverb Quote - Cows can catch no rabbits. Cows can catch no rabbits.
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram American Proverb Quote - An educated fool is dangerous. An educated fool is dangerous.
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram American Proverb Quote - An empty sack won’t stand alone. An empty sack won’t stand alone.
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram American Proverb Quote - The real owners of the land are not yet born. The real owners of the land are not yet born.
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram American Proverb Quote - If you have wit and learning, add to it wisdom and modesty. If you have wit and learning, add to it wisdom and modesty.
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram American Proverb Quote - Abuse is like a god that destroys his master. Abuse is like a god that destroys his master.
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram American Proverb Quote - Accidents will happen in the best of families. Accidents will happen in the best of families.
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram American Proverb Quote - Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Do as you would be done by. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Do as you would be done by.
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram American Proverb Quote - Answer a fool according to his folly. Answer a fool according to his folly.
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram American Proverb Quote - Anytime means no time. Anytime means no time.
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram American Proverb Quote - Adversity flatters no man. Adversity flatters no man.
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram American Proverb Quote - There’s more than one way to beat the devil around the bush. There’s more than one way to beat the devil around the bush.
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram American Proverb Quote - Here today, gone tomorrow. Here today, gone tomorrow.
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram American Proverb Quote - The garment of peace never fades. The garment of peace never fades.
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram American Proverb Quote - The greatest art is the art of life. The greatest art is the art of life.
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram American Proverb Quote - Comparisons make enemies of our friends. Comparisons make enemies of our friends.
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram American Proverb Quote - Industry need not wish. Industry need not wish.
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram American Proverb Quote - Ambition is like hunting for whales – sometimes you lose them. Ambition is like hunting for whales – sometimes you lose them.
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram American Proverb Quote - The obvious choice is usually a quick regret. The obvious choice is usually a quick regret.
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram American Proverb Quote - The opera isn’t over till the fat lady sings. The opera isn’t over till the fat lady sings.
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram American Proverb Quote - An idle brain is the devil’s workshop. An idle brain is the devil’s workshop.
  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram American Proverb Quote - The saddest dog sometimes wags its tail. The saddest dog sometimes wags its tail.