Many individuals have, like uncut diamonds, shining qualities beneath a rough exterior.
JUVENALMany individuals have, like uncut diamonds, shining qualities beneath a rough exterior.
JUVENALGive up all hope of peace so long as your mother-in-law is alive.
JUVENALVice can deceive under the guise and shadow of virtue.
JUVENALEvery great house is full of haughty servants.
JUVENALThis precept descended from Heaven: know thyself.
JUVENALMany commit the same crime with a very different result. One bears a cross for his crime; another a crown.
JUVENALNow we suffer the evils of a long peace; luxury more cruel than war broods over us and avenges a conquered world.
JUVENALWhere talent is lacking, anger writes poetry.
JUVENALAll wish to possess knowledge, but few, comparatively speaking, are willing to pay the price.
JUVENALMany a man has met death from the rushing flood of his own eloquence; others from the strength and wondrous thews in which they have trusted.
JUVENALThe greatest respect is owed to a child.
JUVENALThis is his first punishment, that by the verdict of his own heart no guilty man is acquitted.
JUVENALNever does Nature say one thing and Wisdom another.
JUVENALGive them bread and circuses and they will never revolt.
JUVENALWhenever fortune wishes to joke, she lifts people from what is humble to the highest extremity of affairs.
JUVENALIt is a poor thing to lean upon the fame of others, lest the pillars give way and the house fall down in ruin.