Whatever you determine to be right, with diligence endeavour to perform.
XENOPHONWe call a Man ungrateful, answered who having received a kindness, does not return the like, if occasion off ere.
More Xenophon Quotes
We call a Man ungrateful, answered who having received a kindness, does not return the like, if occasion off ere.
The man who doesn’t know his own ability is ignorant of himself.
Success always calls for greater generosity—though most people, lost in the darkness of their own egos, treat it as an occasion for greater greed.
Misleaders are slow to work hard but quick to act on greed. They convince their men that dishonest behavior leads to great wealth.
It is better said Socrates, to change an Opinion, than to persist in a wrong one.
If I die innocent the shame will fall on those who are the cause of my death, since all sort of iniquity is attended with shame.
Battles are decided more by the morale of the troops than by their bodily strength.
A Number of Friends is of more Worth than a Flock of Sheep, or of Goats, or than a Herd of Oxen.
Nothing that is really good and admirable is granted by the gods to men without some effort and application.
If you consider what are called the virtues in mankind, you will find their growth is assisted by education and cultivation.
Do you not take him to be just who commits no manner of injustice?
Whether in industry or in politics, leaders should be building a new, more flexible order for the imperiled generations to come.
Let Your Tools Be Equal to the Task.
Perhaps their attacks on my character meant that the hour was ripe for my career to begin in earnest.
A man may hate cruelty and lies, but if he’s never given an opportunity to show what he’s made of, no one will remember him when he dies.