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  • Ava Nicole Quote - His skin sparkles like beach sand his eyes dancing endlessly with the sun for when his light embraced my darkness, I then understood why people prefer summer over winter. Download This Image
  • Ava Nicole Quote - His skin sparkles like beach sand his eyes dancing endlessly with the sun for when his light embraced my darkness, I then understood why people prefer summer over winter.
  • Ava Nicole Quote - His skin sparkles like beach sand his eyes dancing endlessly with the sun for when his light embraced my darkness, I then understood why people prefer summer over winter.
  • Ava Nicole Quote - His skin sparkles like beach sand his eyes dancing endlessly with the sun for when his light embraced my darkness, I then understood why people prefer summer over winter.
  • Ava Nicole Quote - His skin sparkles like beach sand his eyes dancing endlessly with the sun for when his light embraced my darkness, I then understood why people prefer summer over winter.
  • Ava Nicole Quote - His skin sparkles like beach sand his eyes dancing endlessly with the sun for when his light embraced my darkness, I then understood why people prefer summer over winter.
  1. black
  2. grey
  3. blue
  4. red
  5. brown
  6. white

His skin sparkles like beach sand his eyes dancing endlessly with the sun for when his light embraced my darkness, I then understood why people prefer summer over winter.