Even if you look for peace in the places you won the war, you will not find any.
VESMIRAll my life has been a struggle to know, what to hold on and what to let go, but still, i end up sitting in the corner of the room with a flickering candle, whimpering, naked, shuddering, lost.
More Vesmir Quotes
All my life has been a struggle to know, what to hold on and what to let go, but still, i end up sitting in the corner of the room with a flickering candle, whimpering, naked, shuddering, lost.
The voices in your head are lying, i tell you this world never stopped you from flying.
It’s not sad/ that you choose/ to keep yourself in/ its a pity/ that even when you could/ you never decided/ to walk out.
And that is how time heals, not by erasing but by blurring all the memories.
They call my love immature, naive and foolish, as if, wisdom made a better lover out of them.
Something in me is constantly at unrest.
And nothing that will be touched, even with the tiniest of love, shall continue to live the same.
I am not home for somebody else’s trauma.
I want to know the 2 am you because my love we all are different when we are at war under the sun.
Hold on/ not because life will get any better/ but it’s 10 mins to sunset/ and I was wondering if we could go for ice creams afterwards
But the act of holding on speaks to me so much more about a human heart than the courage of letting go ever could.
These poets and their metaphors lied to me/ you never felt like a mountain I wished to climb/ or a stream I would let myself float in/ or a scent I was dying to bottle in/ these poets lie when they talk of love.
Too much of what I write takes me back to you.
Too many of us have grown up just too early.
So, what ruined you? -hope.