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  • Quinn Zukowski Quote - Dear hands, don’t let them tell you art is a hopeless pursuit art my friends is pursuing light for the hopeless.
  • Quinn Zukowski Quote - Dear hands, don’t let them tell you art is a hopeless pursuit art my friends is pursuing light for the hopeless.
  • Quinn Zukowski Quote - Dear hands, don’t let them tell you art is a hopeless pursuit art my friends is pursuing light for the hopeless.
  • Quinn Zukowski Quote - Dear hands, don’t let them tell you art is a hopeless pursuit art my friends is pursuing light for the hopeless.
  • Quinn Zukowski Quote - Dear hands, don’t let them tell you art is a hopeless pursuit art my friends is pursuing light for the hopeless.
  • Quinn Zukowski Quote - Dear hands, don’t let them tell you art is a hopeless pursuit art my friends is pursuing light for the hopeless.
  1. black
  2. grey
  3. blue
  4. red
  5. brown
  6. white

Dear hands, don’t let them tell you art is a hopeless pursuit art my friends is pursuing light for the hopeless.