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  • E. Lockhart Quote - I sit around too much, waiting for other people to do stuff and angsting about stuff they’ve done, without doing anything myself.
  • E. Lockhart Quote - I sit around too much, waiting for other people to do stuff and angsting about stuff they’ve done, without doing anything myself.
  • E. Lockhart Quote - I sit around too much, waiting for other people to do stuff and angsting about stuff they’ve done, without doing anything myself.
  • E. Lockhart Quote - I sit around too much, waiting for other people to do stuff and angsting about stuff they’ve done, without doing anything myself.
  • E. Lockhart Quote - I sit around too much, waiting for other people to do stuff and angsting about stuff they’ve done, without doing anything myself.
  • E. Lockhart Quote - I sit around too much, waiting for other people to do stuff and angsting about stuff they’ve done, without doing anything myself.
  1. black
  2. grey
  3. blue
  4. red
  5. brown
  6. white

I sit around too much, waiting for other people to do stuff and angsting about stuff they’ve done, without doing anything myself.